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What is granite? Benefits of granite Characteristics to know before implementation

June 26, 2023

Thousands of years have passed through time to become one of the main materials used to build treasure stores and tombs of the great kings of Egypt at the Great Pyramids of Giza, one of the "Seven Wonders of the World". It is both beautiful and strong that can be maintained until the present day.

Great Pyramids of Giza
Great Pyramids of Giza

Granite is often used as the main material for building various architectural works both inside and outside and buildings. Nowadays, granite has become a part of the house, both in the form of furniture and home decoration. When processed, it becomes a facility that is always present all around us, and did you know that the story of a stone as ordinary but important to your lifestyle as granite is that it is not a good thing to be able to do so? What is its history and what has made it so popular today?

Pillars made of granite
Pillars made of granite

The beginning of granite

The origin of granite comes from igneous stone. The rock formed by the melting of lava cools and crystallizes under enormous pressure beneath the earth's crust. Until the formation of a rock consisting of large mineral crystals such as granite. The mineral composition of granite includes: The minimum amount of quartz is 20% and feldspar 35%, while the remaining proportion can be formed from other minerals such as mica. Amphibol, hornblend or pyroxine, etc. The cooling process of these minerals is behind the scenes that makes granite a strong and durable rock.

A volcano erupts and lava is flowing from the crater.
A volcano erupts and lava is flowing from the crater.

We can find granite from all over the world. In some countries, granite can be found in many places. Therefore, there are more options to use it, such as Italy and China. Granite can be found with unique characteristics. Create special and interesting decorations in each area of different regions.

In Thailand, granite quarries are found in many places, often found along large mountain ranges in many provinces of Thailand. It is divided into 3 lines: the eastern perimeter, the central metropolitan area, and the western perimeter. The geochemical characteristics of granite are another unique feature of each genre. The main popular granite is Thai black granite. But there are also many other granite that can be found in Thailand.

Recently cut granite blocks from granite mountains.
Recently cut granite blocks from granite mountains.

Characteristics and Types of Granite Artistic "The Beauty of Granite"

The color of granite is due to the different minerals found within the rock, which depends on the amount and proportion of minerals contained within the rock. For example, if potassium feldspar is an element, it will give the granite texture red or pink.

The pattern of granite formed from potassium feldspar ore.

While quartz will give the stone texture a white or gray color.

The pattern of granite is formed from quartz. 
The pattern of granite is formed from quartz.

For other colors, such as yellow, it is made from muscowhite. Black and green are formed from amphibole, and brown is formed from biotite ore. Also in the brown part. Dark gray and shiny stripes. It is formed from mica as a component within the rock.

Pattern of granite formed from biotite mineral
Pattern of granite formed from biotite mineral

Granite can be divided into 2 types: stripe type and line type. 

The pattern type is made from granite that takes longer to cool and cool in the crystallization process. Its pattern is like applying color to the stone. It is a small dot or a large stone pattern, which is a pattern that can be clearly seen. 

Granite Pattern - Lemurian Blue
Granite Pattern - Lemurian Blue

While the type of granite with striped surface is Patterns appear around the rock. It is similar in form to the mineral stripes of marble, but it will still have mineral granularity. It expresses a sense of freedom more than a tinted granite.  

Granite Pattern - White Forest
Granite Pattern - White Forest

Pros and Cons of Granite


  • It is strong, scratch-resistant and weatherproof.
  • Acid resistant, alkali resistant, heat resistant
  • Can be installed at various points, both inside and out.
  • The pattern is unique.
  • cheap starting price


  • The stone face is still porous because it is still a natural stone, so it must be coated before installation.

Benefits of granite

The main advantage of granite is that it is scratch resistant and weather resistant. As a result, granite has a hardness value of 6-6.5, which is considered very strong, so it can be used either as a building material that needs strength or as a home decoration material that is both beautiful and unique.

The table shows the mineral strength of Mohs.
The table shows the mineral strength of Mohs.


With the strength of granite, it is suitable for use as a material in the construction of buildings, floors, stone pillars, walls, which is very popular in various ancient sites, or even in modern buildings are also used in construction, or as a sign in front of houses, company signs, or signs of various government offices.

In the alley of Machu Picchu Ruins.
In the alley of Machu Picchu Ruins.
Houses that use granite to decorate around the house
Houses that use granite to decorate around the house
Armadale Residence from B.E Architecture

It can also be used in the home for home lovers to enjoy various features, including flooring, it can support weight as well as being resistant to scratches and exposure to various acids for cooking. If you decide to choose granite to decorate the living space inside your home. Whether it's in the wall, flooring, or kitchen countertop, it won't disappoint. Proven by architecture and buildings that use granite as the main material, which is strong and durable, no matter how many generations have passed, it is still durable and accepted.

Stair floor Viscon White Granite
Stair floor Viscon White Granite
Kitchen countertops and anti-smudge from Viscon White granite
Kitchen countertops and anti-smudge from Viscon White granite
White Forest Granite Bathroom Wall Cladding
White Forest Granite Bathroom Wall Cladding
Granite kitchen countertop next to living room
Granite kitchen countertop next to living room

Interested in how granite can become a part of your home? For consultation and more information from stoneworking experts, please visit @LINE SIAMTAK and Facebook SIAMTAK.

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