Granite Drill Cylinder

Marble drilling cylinders, granite drills, marble drilling bits, coring cylinders, Holsaw cylinders for drilling granite, marble, tiles and artificial marble in particular, available in a variety of sizes from 8 mm to 5 cm. Strong, easy to drill Long-lasting


Perforated marble, granite, tile

Hole drilling cylinder, coring bit, hole saw, for granite drilling, marble drilling, tile drilling and artificial marble such as wire conduit drilling, hole drilling for countertop faucets, bathroom countertops, come in a variety of sizes, sharp drilling blades, easy to drill, smooth drilling holes. Slick, long-lasting to drill marble, granite, should have water to nourish the perforation as well.

Why do you need nourishing water?

Heat drilling may cause the marble and granite to break. Siamtak recommends using water to nourish the temperature during cutting so that it does not rise too high. It also helps to generate less dust.