Features of quartzite rock, the most beautiful and strong.
When it comes to quartz, most people know it as a type of synthetic stone that is popular for table topping. But some don't know that quartz is actually a rock of natural origin that has not been synthesized by humans, which is quartzite.
Many people may be skeptical or may not yet have knowledge about this type of stone for installation in residential or other places. Today we will answer some questions about quartzite, what this stone looks like. What advantages? Why do people use it and where is it suitable for installation?
The beginning of quartzide rock
The origin of quartzite is from sandstone that has been transformed by heat and pressure, classified as metamorphic rock, similar to marble converted from limestone or calcium carbonate. This makes the quartzite stone look like a marble body, i.e. it is a pattern of mineral strands that run across the entire slab of the rock, mainly composed of quartz and mixed with other minerals depending on the type of rock.
Characteristics of quartzite "The beauty of quartzite"
Pure quartzite is made of pure sandstone, which varies from white to gray, but there are also some that contain other minerals that make them in many different colors, such as blue, yellow, green, and other colors, or stones infused with iron ore. The hematite produces pink to red, creating a contrast and beauty to the quartzite.
In addition, quartzite is a rock composed of quite a lot of quartz. This makes the stone strong and durable to a certain extent.
But purity doesn't determine the price of quartzite, it's about colors, beautiful patterns that can captivate people, and more strength than marble.

How good is quartzite?
The properties of quartzite stone are very varied because it is a stone that combines the properties of both marble and granite, but in this article, let's take a look at some interesting features of this stone.
1. Quartzite stone has the characteristics of acid resistant to alkalis.
With rock strength and low water penetration rate. This makes the rock resistant to acids and bases, making it difficult for the stone to stain because it will not seep what spills into the rock.
This makes quartzite stones suitable for kitchen installations. There must be occasional spills or stains left behind. Quartzite is popular for not requiring a lot of maintenance and is easy to clean.

2. Beautiful colors and patterns that come with greater strength than granite.
Of course, if you catch a quartzide and granite collision, Quartzite eats lacking in color and beautiful patterns. Because the quartzite stone has a pattern of mineral strands, unlike granite which is a pattern formed from mineral crystals.
It also lacks the strength of the material. It is very suitable for Thai kitchens that need the strength of stone to be used heavily while maintaining the beauty of the kitchen.

Many people may wonder, eh, stronger than granite, so how strong is it?
Let's just say that we have to use the mineral hardness scale of Mose to measure it in order to get a clear picture. This scale indicates the hardness level of the mineral from 1 to 10 (1 weakest to 10 hardest), where diamond is the hardest mineral according to the Moes scale. Quartzite has a hardness score of 7, but granite is only 6 or 6.5, although the granite itself is talked about for its strength. The quartzite is considered very hard enough. In addition, according to research, quartzite rocks can also scratch the glass.

3. Quartzite stone has heat-proof and scratch-proof properties.
Thanks to the extreme strength of quartzite, this material is stronger than glass, which can be scratched to a considerable extent. However, it is not recommended to bring high heat objects into direct contact with the rock.

In addition, the quart stone is durable, which of course if you buy a quart stone where it is installed. Of course, it is definitely worth it because it has been living with our condo house for decades or more.

Where is it suitable for installation?
Quartzite stone is suitable for installation in a variety of locations with its strength, acid resistance, alkali resistance, making it possible to install it in places where it may be used in heavy applications such as Thai kitchens that are pounding, chopping, cooking things seriously and also tolerate seasonings when they spill out.

Or it's a space without a lot of mess. Floors, bar counters, dining tables, coffee tables, or small pieces of furniture.

It is also suitable for making walls or spots that highlight the pattern of stone. With the beauty and uniqueness of the stone itself. It can be done with Bookmatch, Vein Matching, or various stitches.

Care for quartzite
1. When something spills, it should be cleaned immediately.
In order not to risk stains on the stone face. Although quartzite rocks have high strength. However, Siamtak recommends that when you spill something, it is best to wipe it clean. It reduces the chance of dirt seeping into the surface of the stone and keeps the house clean.
2. Stone cleaning does not require strong cleaning solutions.
The quartzite should be used with dishwashing detergent or mild soap mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio or specifically used for cleaning stones. Wipe the stone face dry to clean and disinfect without damaging the stone face.
3. Evenly coat the stone face.
There should be a benthic coating to seal the pores on the rock. It helps dirt not to seep into the stone and should be recoated regularly, perhaps 1-2 years at a time, to help the stone remain beautiful and prolong the period of use.

All of this will be the basic information of quart stone that before homeowners or builders should know before choosing the materials they want for construction. But if anyone is interested in using this quartzite, you can come to see the real stone at Showroom Siamtak To see if the quartsite is as beautiful as I said, you can check out the rough stone pattern first on the SIAMTAK website.
Interested in how quartzite can become a part of your home? For consultation and more information from stoneworking experts, please visit @LINE SIAMTAK and Facebook SIAMTAK.
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